

Saturday, October 13, 2012

What a Lovely Way to Burn

                      Hey guys. Just to be clear, I'm not dead. Sure, I've been gone for a while, but I have a really good reason for that. I have been working my balls off. A guy at work got fired a few weeks ago and I picked p all of his hours. It wasn't until this past week that I realized how much that guy worked. But I'm not there right now, so I don't even want to think of that place. What I do want to think about is me. I moved back home and started this blog as a way to grow as a person. I really haven't done anything to help that. I'm right back to doing what I did before. I don't talk to anyone outside of work or xbox live, I'm still terrified of driving, I have virtually the same job I had before, and Im still not in school.
                      Sure, I'm helpful and my parents like having me around, but I'm pretty disappointed in myself. I just thought I would have done something by this point in my life. I know there is still plenty of time for me to do something, but I just wish someone would give me some sort of hint as to what that something is. I've been avoiding the question " What do you want to be when you grow up?" my whole life. I just want an answer to give.
                      But enough about that. Lets talk about games ( I'm sorry, it's one of the few socially acceptable things I know enough to talk about). The game I considered the underdog game of the year came out this past week. Dishonored places you in the role of Corvo, a spectral assassin who's life was fucked over when the Empress ( his boss and lover) was assassinated and all fingers pointed to him. After escaping from jail, Corvo gains the use of magic abilities and advanced stealth tech and is given a plan to seek his revenge and rescue the princess.
                    I wasn't too sure about this one and had no plans to buy it. Drunk Addison (D.A.) thought it would be awesome and preordered it a few months ago. After frantically trying to figure out how I lost $60 in my account, the doorbell rang and there was a package from Amazon. Turns out, I got smashed one night and preordered it. I even had it gift wrapped and left a note for myself. " I know you want to thank me, but don't. That's conceited as fuck. - Drunk Addison" After playing it, I was right. I really did want to thank myself. Dishonored is a great game and I would have missed out on it had it not been for my good friend D.A. ( And his buddy JackOnTheRocks).
                    Any who, my bother is in town for the week and I really don't want to hear him making fun of me for doing a vlog, so I'll wait until he's gone for the next explanation of the video game industry ( with severely less "fuck"s). It's getting to that time of night now where I have two options: Sleep or play Skyrim. I'm considering the second one, but I'm pretty tired right now. I hope you have have an awesome fucking day.
                                                        Boom Goes the Dynamite

Friday, October 5, 2012

My First Vlog!!!

                           Hey, guys. So I just made my first vlog! I have to say, not a fan of watching myself speak.... Any ways, in order to help you all better understand what I'm talking about, I put together a little dictionary of terms for you. A "vocab list" if you will. I hope this helps.

NPC- Non-Playable Character. Any side character in a game that you do not have to option to play as.

RPG- Role Playing Game. Any video game where you have the ability to choose your characters appearance, the outcome of the story, or how the game is played. RPG's aren't always played with 9 sided dice in a basement.

FPS- First Person Shooter. Any video game that puts the camera in the eyes of the character.  when you turn, he turns. When you move, he moves. His eyes are the camera.

TPS- Third Person Shooter. Usually an over the shoulder view. Sometimes the view is from directly behind the character.

RTS- Real Time Strategy. A type of game that puts you in control of an army. You gather minerals, build armies, conquer enemies, and construct additional pylons (Star Craft reference).

RROD- Red Ring of Death. A common problem among the first generation Xbox 360's. The 3 red lights in the power ring were an error code signaling one of many fatal system errors. This problem has since been fixed with the update to the 360 design.

OP- Over Powered. Many people find various weapons or characters over powered. Usually, this is because said people just suck at video games and whine when it gets too tough for them. These people are the panzies that the video game developers pander to and are the reason that games are so much easier now.

 Nerf- Developers nerf certain elements of a game that they feel are too OP. The amazingly awesome pistol in the first Halo game was Nerfed so hard that it became the worst gun in the game. I would rather use the needler.

Glitch- A glitch is an error in the coding of a game. Sometimes a glitch can be as little as a flicker in a wall texture, while other times it can be as game breaking as a complete level reset or constant game crash.

 Patch- A patch is an update to a games software after the release of a game. With the current generation of consoles having constant internet connection, patches are much more frequent and regular than before.

Lag- Lag occurs when one or more people in an online game have shitty connections, causing characters to jump from place to place with no control on positioning. The game is essentially trying to figure out what the fuck those people are doing.

Lag Switch- Lag Switching is when a person intentionally connects and disconnects from their router during an online match, causing lag. If they are the host, they can walk around the game smoothly while everyone else  is left with the effects of the lag.

Hacker- A hacker is someone who actually manipulates the coding of a game. However, many assume that just because someone is better then them at Halo or Call of Duty, they must be hacking the game.

Death Match- A death match is usually a game type in which 5 people compete to get the most kills. Usually the score limit is 25, but it varies by game.

Team Death Match. A team death match is just that. A team of usually 4 against another team of 4. Loads of fun with some buddies.

Spawn Point- A spawn point is the spot on the map in which you a brought back into the game. Like a checkpoint.

Camping- A legitimate strategy. Camping (usually with a sniper) is when a person finds a nice spot to sit and blend in with the surrounding as unsuspecting prey run by and are quickly taken down.

Noob- Noobs are people who know very little about a game. They jump right in, figure it out as they go, and when they find something early on that works, they stick with it. Imagine playing Mortal Kombat against a guy who just bicycle kicks the entire match. That is a noob.

Noob Tube- The attached grenade launcher in any of the Call of Duty games. Being a one hit kill, many noobs flock to this attachment and use nothing else the entire game.

HUD- Heads Up Display. A HUD is any kind of meter on the screen. The health bar, ammo count, mini-map, and any other extras that your character wouldn't be seeing make up the HUD.

Mini-Map- The map usually found in the corner of your screen. Most games have them, but for some reason, games have been getting rid of them to incorporate shittier methods. (The bread trail in Fable 2)

Platforming- Platforming is a jumping obstacle course in a video game. Sure, they are annoying as shit, but they are relaxing at the same time. Takes you back the the days of Spyro the Dragon.

Farming- Farming is when you repeatedly kill the same enemy over and over again to gain experience points, money, or a rare item. People farm the shit out of the bosses in Borderlands 2 for the rare weapons and the customizable heads they drop.

                           There we go guys, I hope you can all enjoy my video now, and begin to understand  a little more about gaming in today's society.