Hey, everyone. I just got back from Star Wars Celebration VI, and I have the count for you. I counted 67 different Slave Leias. By 5:30, I figured I had tapped out at 66, and I was very content with that. I even started to make up a parody of the song "88 Lines About 44 Women". However, as I was contemplating the chorus, I spotted a new one. On the balcony overlooking the entrance I noticed the uniqueness of a very steampunk Slave Leia and promptly ended the song development. For a while, my uncle kept accusing me of double counting the S.L.'s, but he soon noticed that I was passing up on a few of them. I had to explain to him that, as a twenty year old heterosexual, I have photographic vision when it comes to scantily clad women.
A memorable #60 |
Don't get me wrong, Celebration VI was more than just the S.L.'s and sexy Boba Fetts. They had so many booths, shops, displays, conferences, activities, and everything else you can imagine. When we first showed up, the 501st was doing a big formation in front of the main area. After the tucking and weaving to reach the entrance, the fun began. Some people may not realise this, but if there is someone showing up to a convention in a costume, they really want people to compliment it and ask for a picture. If you were to show up anywhere dressed like a member of the kiss army, would you get mad if someone asked for a picture? No, otherwise, you would just dress to blend in. I got some great pictures with people. I got one with Ezio Auditore, Bender, a female Jawa, The Emperor, an Australian storm trooper, and so many more. All you have to do is ask, and they will rarely say no to a picture.
He actually had a hidden blade.... where was security? |
They did have a large assortment of shops, but only a few really caught my eye. One was the sweet biker jackets. They had the built in body armor, and they were themed. They had a Boba Fett jacket, storm trooper jacket, and a sweet Batman Jacket. The Batman one will run you about $1500 though. To me, that's a bit ridiculous. The next one to catch my eye was amazing. It's like While E. Coyote decided to make and Addison trap. They had one side of a stand loaded up with Captain America props ( The best super hero ever) and the other had Thor's helmet and Mjolnir! The props were a look and not touch deal, but they did have posters. Leave it to me to go to a Star Wars convention and buy the only non-Star Wars thing. I bought a Captain America war support poster that promoted buying war bonds (It's so awesome!). The third, and final, vendor to catch my eye was Jumpin Jammerz. This is a company I would have loved to have heard about when I was trying to make a Max (Where the Wild Things Are) costume. Jumpin Jammerz actually sells adult footie pajamas! How awesome is that? They have a bunch of different themes, and will even be coming out with a Marvel theme soon. So, if you remember the feeling of being little and thinking the footie pajamas gave you super human agility, you should totally go to the site and buy some ( I know I am come next paycheck). As for the below picture, I can't resist a woman in footie pajamas asking me if I would like to feel her. It's a weakness of mine.

I never actually took part in any of the activities, because they were mostly dealing with legos. For some very strange reason, the majority of the Star Wars fan base is addicted to legos. I for one hate legos with a passion. I hate them so much, that when I die, my own personal hell will be based on the lego shop in Downtown Disney. The idea of having kids play with blocks that snap together to build things is ok, but it is so not ok when the pieces are so tiny that walking through a living room becomes a sharp annoying minefield. And why the ridiculous prices? You shouldn't have to spend that much for the pieces to build a toy that you cant even play with when it's built. I tried helping someone build a Millennium Falcon once, and stopped when I found out that he was opting for not filling it with fireworks or road flairs. I just don't see the point, and I can't stand how crazed children get at the very mention of the company. I hate them so much, that I refuse to capitalize the word lego. I could be talking about the company its self, or the product. To me, the capitalization of a proper noun requires a certain amount of respect for the name. I have nothing but disdain for all things lego.
After all the festivities, my uncle, cousin, and I relaxed in the big theater room and got to watch the original trilogy on the wall. And let me tell you, it was amazing. As a twenty year old, the only "Star Wars movie" I saw on the silver screen was The Phantom Menace ( The next two were lame, so I waited until they hit dvd rental). I finally got to laugh in a movie theater as Darth Vader says " I felt him..." or when Luke said " It's in you, you must feel it.". While I thought those lines were hilarious and couldn't help but laugh, I'm pretty sure every light saber in the room became ready to cut me down.
All in all, Celebration VI was awesome. Next time ( two years from now ) I plan on having a Han Solo costume ready, and bump up my experience just a little more. As for now, I am left with a few discrepancies in the original trilogy that will make for a great list tomorrow night. As always, I hope you all have a great night/day. Feel free to comment. If you have any issues with the movies, I would love to add them to the list.
-Addison out.
Facts I Hate #6: Some people still don't think Han shot first.
I decided not to count this one.
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