#10) Black Sheep
Such a weird little movie. Black Sheep isn't about your normal zombies. It's about zombie sheep. near the end you find out that one guy has been doing the horizontal hokie pokie with of the the zombie sheep and becomes a zombie sheep/man combo thing. It's all really weird New Zealandy.
#9) Bio Zombie
Bio Zombie is essentially Dawn of the Dead, but way more Asian. The food court in a Hong Kong mall has been serving soda that turns people into zombies. If this was a joke about the amount of high fructose corn syrup is in our everyday diet then consider me impressed. But who am I kidding? This was just Asian Dawn of the Dead.
#8) Night of the Living Dorks
Ever wonder what American Pie would be like if the Germans made it? Well this is it.... just with zombies... and the kinky band girl is a kinky goth girl. Crazy Germans, hot goth girls aren't real.
#7) Zombie Strippers!
Not going to lie, this is the only Jenna Jameson movie I have ever watched with both the volume and my pants on. Even though the quality and the cast instantly makes you think this is porn, it is actually a zomcom, and a decent one at that. Oh, and Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger) is in it too.
#6) Dead Alive
If you ever feel like your mother is the worst, watch Dead Alive. In this one, the main character's mother is a horrible and always trying to ruin his life. Once she is bitten by a weird rat thing she becomes a zombie and infects the town. And just so you guys can finally figure out your pop culture, this is the movie where the guy picks up a push mower and runs it through a crowd of zombies. If you play Left 4 Dead, you will know what I'm talking about.
#5) Return of the Living Dead
Return of the Living Dead is a retro classic. When no one knows how to take down a zombie, all they have to do is ask the guy who watched Night of the Living Dead. Just so everyone knows, this is the movie that started the belief that zombies eat brains. Hell, it started the zombie moan of " BRAAAAAIIIIINNNSSS!!"
#4) Dead and Breakfast
Dead and Breakfast taught me a few things. First off, don't ever stay in David Carradine's house (You will either find him jerking off in a closet, or starting the zombie apocalypse). And the second thing I learned was that, if need be, you can always make a shotgun with household items.
#3) Zombieland
After about five minutes of trying to decide which joke to use, I guess I'll just pitch a few of them. #1: Zombieland: The future biography of Mark Zuckerberg. 2: How did Michael Cera have time to film this, Scott Pilgram, and do all the digital shorts on SNL? 3: The ratio of hot girls (like Emma Stone) that sleep with nerdy guys to actual number of nerdy guys in the world makes me really sad :(
#2) Fido
Ok, I want you to picture the show Lassie. Got it? Good, now swap out the dog with a blood thirsty zombie being controlled by a collar. then that collar breaks. Normally that would spell disaster, but for Timmy, that means his pet zombie has his back. This one is definitely worth a download.
#1) Shaun of the Dead
The pairing of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost is just amazing. It's like the combo of Chris Farley and David Spade, it just works. I'm at a loss of words for how amazingly awesome and hilarious this movie is. Just watch it. I don't care if you've seen it a million times, watch it again. Then watch Paul. That was a good one too.
There we go guys. After a week of nothing but zombies, I feel like I need a palate cleanser. Good thing this is the age of the Internet and I can go back and watch the women's field hockey, volleyball, and other Olympic events that feature athletic women in sports bras! I hope my week was worth it and you guys all liked my lists. As for whats next for me and my blogging adventures, I have no idea. If anyone has a genre they would like me to explore, just leave me a comment and I will totally go for it. Since it is now late as hell and I work tomorrow, I should probably get some sleep. Have a great night/day, everyone.
Zombie Survival Tip #5: Cut your hair and wear tight clothes. The zombies are going to have a hard time grabbing you if there is nothing to grab on to.
Mkay, hot goth girls are totally real.