

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Dustland Fairytale

                  Hey, everyone. I just wanted to start by saying my second day of work was pretty awesome. I took a few tables, and made some money. I really can't wait until I make enough money that I can get some new shoes. Since the uniform is black, I have to wear the only black shoes I have... I haven't worn them since high school and let me tell you, not the most forgiving on feet. I'm pretty sure my first $80 is going towards buying my favorite shoes in black. I know, $80 is a lot of money, but when it comes to shoes that I'm going to be wearing all the time, I don't care how much they cost. I know those shoes are going to be worth it.
                 As far as the zombie movie search goes, I've watched a few good ones and downloaded a few more ( I have about 30 left on my watch list). After some thought, I might have to break my list into 3 separate categories: ZomComs, Campy Zombie, and True Horror Zombie. Hell, I could go as far as to break them down into fast zombie/ slow zombie. The possibilities are countless. I guess I'll just have to decide my plan of attack when I get there. For now, I'm still in the research stage of this one. I'm totally planning on watching White Zombie and I'm finishing up the George Romero movies now, but if anyone has any other movies they think I should add to my watch list, I'd really appreciate it. I did add 28 days/weeks later to my list. I'll get to those soon.
                 So far, there is no official start date for our YouTube channel, but rest assured, I will link the hell out of it once we get it started. We don't have the recorder yet, but once we do and figure out how to work it and edit everything I'll let everyone know. We have been working on plans for once we get everything together ( How we will do it, how we will grow it over time, and what type of games we will use). The more I think about it, the more excited I get. I really can't wait to get all of this started. I hope once we get our idea going that you guys will tune in ( if only just to hear how hilarious I am without even trying).
                 As always, I hope everyone has a great night/day. I really appreciate everyone who is still reading this after a month of my posts. I started this blog expecting  to have maybe 10 people reading. Now, after only 23 posts, I have almost 600 page views. With a self worth as low as mine, seeing people actually reading something that I write makes me feel awesome. Thank you.
Zombie Survival Tip #2: Do not think that being on an island will protect you. Zombies are already dead. Therefore, they can walk the bottom of the sea and reach you. Best place to hide? Antartica.

BTW, Bicentennial Man totally holds up.

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