

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Good Vibrations

                  Hey, everyone. I finally had my first day of work today ( I miss having money.)! Everyone there is really awesome, and I think this is going to be a great job. I really can't wait to start taking tables and getting paid. I may only be at part time, but part time is better than no time. And this is just one step closer to me getting the recorder and moving on to my dream job!
                  In other news, I have been trying to come up with new lists. I really want to do a top zombie movie list, but I cant really think of many zombie movies. Because of that lack of zombie movie knowledge, I will be taking suggestions for movie downloads. So far, I've downloaded Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Diary of the Dead, 28 days later, Resident Evil, Dead Snow, Zombie Land, Shaun of the Dead, Dead Girl, and Fido. I've seen a few of those, but I really want to know some more to watch. If anyone suggests Left 4 Head (Zombie porn), I will present you with "mad props".
                  In hopes of finding the best 10 zombie movies, I'm off to watch some movies. Like I said, I would really like some recommendations for movies. I hope everyone has a great night, and try not to get your faces eaten off in Miami. I'll try to update you guys on the movie viewing experience tomorrow. Oh, and on a side note, I've been listening to a lot of Lithuanian music lately. Good stuff.
 Zombie Survival Tip #1: Use a gun, there is no reason to let them get too close.

1 comment:

  1. 28 Days/Weeks Later, if they're not already on your watchlist. Great movies.
