#10 The Silver Surfer
I know some of you are going to complain that he should be higher on the list, but I really don't like him. All I see is a metallic D-Bag who condemns other planets to death in order to save his own. If you trust The Silver Surfer, you're going to have a bad time.
#9 Blade
Whats better than a badass black vampire? A badass black vampire who hunts vampires! I have never actually read any of the comic books, but I did see Blade Trinity (Ryan Reynolds was in it, so I pretty much had to) and it was pretty awesome. After seeing a few strips from this comic, I approve.
#8 Moon Knight
The thing that makes Moon Knight awesome is the fact that he didn't realise that mercs were generally bad people. He was working under a mercenary in Egypt, when his boss kills an archaeologist. That pissed off Mark Spector (Moon Knight) and he challenged his boss to a 1 on 1 fight. Spector was nearly beaten to death and left in the desert to be found by the natives who worship the god of the moon (Khonshu). Spector dies in front of a mystical altar and is presented with an ultimatum by none other than Khonshu. He is offered a chance at revenge. In return, Spector must become the god's avatar on Earth. Spector accepts and becomes the glorified badass we all know as Moon Knight.
#7 The Black Panther
No, he's not Batman. Trust me. The Black Panther is a title given to the leader of the advanced African nation of Wakanda. Wakanda was struck with a meteorite of vibranium and with that, the Panther T'Chaka was murdered by an adventurer by the name of Ulysses Klaw. His son, T'Challa (with his people still in danger) forced Klaw to flee by using his own weapon against him. T'Challa, being too young to take the throne, was sent on his walkabout and his uncle was put in charge. On his walkabout, he fell in love with the young Ororo Munroe (Storm from the X-men). He then returned home to prove himself the rightful leader and the next Panther. He then became the hero we know and love as an attempt to join up with others to take on Klaw.
#6 The Punisher

The thing that makes The Punisher awesome is his blatant irregard for human life. He uses any means to fight is war on crime. He murders, kidnaps, threatens, and tortures people for the greater good. Driven by the death of his loved ones by the hand of the mob, The Punisher has one goal. Hurt everyone who hurt him. Veteran Frank Castle is a master of martial arts, stealth, and weaponry, and uses all of his skills to get his way.
#5 Iron Man
While I do love the billionaire playboy attitude, Iron Man had to stay at #5 on my list. Sure he has an awesome suit and is a genius, but he needs the suit to fight. if you catch him at a party and take him fast, he cant do anything, because he has to change. His cockiness also gets him into a lot of trouble. I mean come on, he pissed off Thor so much that Thor killed him in the civil war.
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And this will hopefully end all the Thor vs Iron Man debates.

Deadpool is just plain awesome. He is an assassin, mercenary, and sarcastic prick who was genetically modified to have super powers. His rapid healing power allows him to be invulnerable to damage as well as psychic powers. And if that's not enough for you, he is portrayed by my man, Ryan Reynolds.
#3 Captain America
Captain America is just that, America. He is the Good Guy Greg of the Marvel universe. He was once a tall but frail liberal arts student with a career in comic book illustrating. As the War raged on, Steve Rodgers (Cpt. America) left his work and attempted to enlist. Due to his weak physical form, he was denied enlistment. However, his desire to defend his country put him in the eye of army general Chester Phillips. Phillips had him placed in Project : Rebirth, where he received the super soldier serum and became the strong fit Captain America we know and love. After the death of the lead scientist and the loss of the serum, Rodgers is re-assigned as a counter-intelligence agent and set to defeat the red skull. Captain America earns his place at #3 for being the good guy that he is.
#2 Jean Grey (Aka The Phoenix)
The more I read about Jean Grey, the more awesome I realise she is. It's a shame the X-Men movies focused of Wolverine so much, because Jean is by far the best the X-Men have to offer. She is an omega-level mutant, meaning she has the potential to be one of the most powerful of all mutants. Her powers include telepathy (Transmitting information from one person to another through brain waves), telekinesis ( Moving objects with her mind), and Phoenix force ( Essentially the act of being a badass). When transformed into The Phoenix, Jean's abilities are amplified to such a degree that she can rearrange matter at a subatomic level, fly through space, survive any atmosphere, manipulate energy, create cosmic flames, and resurrect after death. Being The Phoenix makes her an unstoppable killing force and should not be taken lightly.
#1 Thor
There is so much I could say about Thor, but I think I should just start with the obvious. He's the god of thunder! In the Marvel universe, Thor was to be taught humility by his father Odin, by being sent to earth in the body and mind of a handicapped Dr. Donald Blake. Blake witnesses an alien invasion and is trapped inside a cave where he finds Mjolnir (disguised as a walking stick). As he picks of Mjolnir and taps it against a rock, Blake is transformed into the mighty Thor. Thor lives a double life with Blake, Treating the ill by day and saving the Earth by night. Thor then formed The Avengers, fell in love with Jane Foster, and refused Odin's order to return home to Asgard. It is later reveled that the reason Thor has a natural affinity to fight for Earth is because he is the son of Odin and Gaea (mother earth). Thor makes my number one slot because he depends on being a good worthy man to keep his powers and wield his hammer. In the Marvel universe, a few people have proven themselves worthy to wield Mjolnir. Beta Ray Bill, Captain America, Eric Masterson, Odin, Borr, Buri, Conan the Barbarian, Rogue, and a random ass paramedic that hands Mjolnir to Thor and is never seen again have all been able to wield Mjolnir. Some people argue that Red Hulk can, but that's just silly. There have only been two times that this has happened. Once was in space where Red Hulk actually lifted himself around Mjolnir and was not able to use any of its powers, and once in the "Ultimate" universe. I don't like to count anything in Ultimate, because there was a whole lot of crap there. Mjolnir didn't have a worthiness requirement and is apparently just regular metal that Magneto can manipulate.
And there we have it guys, my list of the top ten best Marvel superheroes. As always, feel free to let me know what you thought of this one, or if you have an idea for another list/post just let me know. Find me on Facebook or just leave a comment. Have a great night everybody.
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