

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Leaves in the River

              I'm sorry, everyone. I have failed you all. I watched the first scene of Dead Poets Society and was distracted with Nazi zombies. As the opening credits were rolling, a few friends of mine asked me to play Black Ops, so I jumped on it. However, I did promise you all a great list. Instead of my favorite ten Robin Williams movies, I bring you the ten best Bruce Willis movies! ( Lets see if I can keep a train of thought going after just taking some sleeping pills.)

#10  The Whole 9 Yards
                 Mathew Perry plays a Canadian dentist who, in the midst of a divorce, is pushed into turning in his neighbor (Jimmy the Tulip) over to a mafia boss. Jimmy is a wanted man and just wants to start over in the suburbs. Plus you get to see Amanda Pete nude. That is probably the reason this movie makes the list.
#9  The Siege
                   After the abduction of an Islamic leader, New York is the set as the target for various acts of terrorism. As the FBI and CIA team up to take down the terrorist cells, the U.S. government places New York under Martial Law. And who is the general in charge? Bruce Fucking Willis.
#8  Bandits
                      Bandits, starring Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thorton, and the beautiful Kate Blanchett, is the story of two non-violent bank robbers. As they start to become noticed by the public, the most typical thing happens. The same thing that broke up The Beatles happens here. Kate Blanchett has to come in to their lives and screw everything up. ( At least she's hotter than Yoko Ono)
#7  Armageddon
                 Great movie. Bruce Willis ( an oil driller) is asked to assemble a team to drill a bomb into the center of an asteroid heading towards earth (because scientists can't do that.). Oh, and Billy Bob Thorton is the head of NASA. #6  Unbreakable
                 Unbreakable was a pretty rad movie. Samuel L. Jackson suffers from a rare bone disease where his bones break really easily. As a child reading comic books, he ponders on the thought of someone who is the opposite of him. Someone indestructible. After causing several ridiculous accidents where Bruce Willis is the only survivor, it's determined that Bruce Willis is just the super hero he was looking for. After discovering his power, saving a captive family, and fixing his marital issues, Willis discovers that Jackson is, in fact, an arch villain. The cops are then called and Jackson is put away for life.
#5  Sin City
                     In one of the four separate crime stories in Sin City, Bruce Willis plays the only good cop in his precinct and is dead set on stopping a child rapist. The rapists father has been bribing the police to cover up the crimes, but Willis is better than that. He shoots the rapists ear and junk off and passes out due to blood loss. When he awakes, he learns that he has been framed for all the crimes and all he has to do is confess and he will be out on parole. Willis is better than that though, and remains in jail, receiving letters from the little girl he saved. One day, instead of a letter, he received a finger. Willis then confesses, is let out on parole, finds the girl ( now a stripper) and kills the rapist who sent the finger. After the bloody battle, Willis kills himself to be sure that the girl can live her life i safety.
#4  12 Monkeys
                  12 Monkeys is a sweet movie involving a lot of time traveling. The end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end. And Brad Pitt is in a crazy home. It's pretty damn good. ( side note: it's getting sooooo hard to focus right now)
#3  Hudson Hawk
                 Dude! I love this movie. With a skateboard and the lyrics to every Bing Crosby song, Bruce Willis is able to steal from just about any museum. His greatest job though? Stealing the dreams of the two bad guys who kidnap him and force him to steal the keys to a gold machine. *spoilers* He does get his coffee at the end.
#2  The Fifth Element
                 I just can't get enough of this movie. I'm already a fan of most things sci-fi. Milla Jovovich just makes everything better. Seriously, the resident evil movies would be horrible if they had anyone other than Jovovich playing Alice. Shes the reason I keep watching them. And public indecency laws are the reason I wear pants when I watch them. I don't want to end up like PeeWee.
#1  Die Hard
                Bruce Willis is a New York City cop/ Badass. Allan Rickman is a dick. Germans are evil. I'm going to bed.

             I hope you guys liked the list. I know, there should have been more Die Hard on there, but this was just a top ten. There isn't enough room for all that awesome. Well since I'm starting to dream right now, and I'm not even in bed yet, I should get going. Have a great night/day, everyone.
Skyrim Survival Tip #2: Almost dead? Just sleep for an hour. You'll be alright.

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