

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Dustland Fairytale

                  Hey, everyone. I just wanted to start by saying my second day of work was pretty awesome. I took a few tables, and made some money. I really can't wait until I make enough money that I can get some new shoes. Since the uniform is black, I have to wear the only black shoes I have... I haven't worn them since high school and let me tell you, not the most forgiving on feet. I'm pretty sure my first $80 is going towards buying my favorite shoes in black. I know, $80 is a lot of money, but when it comes to shoes that I'm going to be wearing all the time, I don't care how much they cost. I know those shoes are going to be worth it.
                 As far as the zombie movie search goes, I've watched a few good ones and downloaded a few more ( I have about 30 left on my watch list). After some thought, I might have to break my list into 3 separate categories: ZomComs, Campy Zombie, and True Horror Zombie. Hell, I could go as far as to break them down into fast zombie/ slow zombie. The possibilities are countless. I guess I'll just have to decide my plan of attack when I get there. For now, I'm still in the research stage of this one. I'm totally planning on watching White Zombie and I'm finishing up the George Romero movies now, but if anyone has any other movies they think I should add to my watch list, I'd really appreciate it. I did add 28 days/weeks later to my list. I'll get to those soon.
                 So far, there is no official start date for our YouTube channel, but rest assured, I will link the hell out of it once we get it started. We don't have the recorder yet, but once we do and figure out how to work it and edit everything I'll let everyone know. We have been working on plans for once we get everything together ( How we will do it, how we will grow it over time, and what type of games we will use). The more I think about it, the more excited I get. I really can't wait to get all of this started. I hope once we get our idea going that you guys will tune in ( if only just to hear how hilarious I am without even trying).
                 As always, I hope everyone has a great night/day. I really appreciate everyone who is still reading this after a month of my posts. I started this blog expecting  to have maybe 10 people reading. Now, after only 23 posts, I have almost 600 page views. With a self worth as low as mine, seeing people actually reading something that I write makes me feel awesome. Thank you.
Zombie Survival Tip #2: Do not think that being on an island will protect you. Zombies are already dead. Therefore, they can walk the bottom of the sea and reach you. Best place to hide? Antartica.

BTW, Bicentennial Man totally holds up.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Good Vibrations

                  Hey, everyone. I finally had my first day of work today ( I miss having money.)! Everyone there is really awesome, and I think this is going to be a great job. I really can't wait to start taking tables and getting paid. I may only be at part time, but part time is better than no time. And this is just one step closer to me getting the recorder and moving on to my dream job!
                  In other news, I have been trying to come up with new lists. I really want to do a top zombie movie list, but I cant really think of many zombie movies. Because of that lack of zombie movie knowledge, I will be taking suggestions for movie downloads. So far, I've downloaded Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Diary of the Dead, 28 days later, Resident Evil, Dead Snow, Zombie Land, Shaun of the Dead, Dead Girl, and Fido. I've seen a few of those, but I really want to know some more to watch. If anyone suggests Left 4 Head (Zombie porn), I will present you with "mad props".
                  In hopes of finding the best 10 zombie movies, I'm off to watch some movies. Like I said, I would really like some recommendations for movies. I hope everyone has a great night, and try not to get your faces eaten off in Miami. I'll try to update you guys on the movie viewing experience tomorrow. Oh, and on a side note, I've been listening to a lot of Lithuanian music lately. Good stuff.
 Zombie Survival Tip #1: Use a gun, there is no reason to let them get too close.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Meilės nėra

                  Hey, everybody. I've been planning this one out for a while, and I think I have it perfect. My list of the top ten Robin Williams movies is finally complete. Before you cast judgment upon me, I will remind you that these are my favorite ten. Just so we're all clear on that. Let the games begin!

#10  Flubber
                    I have not watched this movie in years, and I will continue to not watch it. As a little kid, Flubber was awesome. If I were to watch in now, my childhood would be ruined. There is no doubt in my mind that Flubber does not hold up. In Flubber, Williams plays a forgetful scientist who ( after forgetting his fiancee at the alter) is about to lose the love of his life to Christopher McDonald. You may know McDonald as the dick in just about every movie in the 90's. He is a bad man.
#9  Toys
                  Once again, I find myself afraid of ruining my childhood. I remember Toys as being awesome, funny, and really weird. I'm really not sure if this one holds up. In Toys, Williams is the son of a toy maker. After his father dies, the company is give to his uncle, a general who hates toys. After the general starts making weapons instead of toys, Williams decides it's time to take over.
#8  Aladdin
                  Aladdin definitely holds up. In Aladdin, Williams is the fun loving genie of the lamp. Genie has been cursed to forever grant three wishes to whoever possesses his lamp. However, Aladdin is a decent guy and uses his third wish to set genie free. This movie was so awesome, it spawned a crap ton of sequels, a tv show, plays, ice shows, and much much more.
#7  The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
                    The Adventures of Baron Munchausen will always hold up. In Munchausen, Williams may not have the biggest role, but it is an important one none the less. Williams plays the pervy King of the Moon.  As King of the Moon, he attempts to stop Munchausen from escaping his grasp ( and banging the queen). Despite his giant cages and Q-like mastery of quantum physics, Munchausen escapes... but does not have time to knock boots with the queen.
#6  Dead Poets Society
                     Having just watched it, you can trust me when I say Dead Poets Society holds up. Williams plays the English teacher we all wish we had at some point. As the youngest teacher at his prep school, Williams strives to encourage free thought and individuality among his students. Apparently none of the other adults in the state agree, as he is blamed for the suicide of one of his favorite students.
#5  Bicentennial Man
                     After all the hate people keep throwing at this movie, I really hope it still holds up. I'm willing to risk this one to see if it does. Bicentennial Man was a sweet movie about a robot (Williams) and his desire to become human. He may have free thought and feel love, but society will not yet grant him the rights of a human, because he is not one. To be treated as a human, Williams undergoes various surgeries and experiments to become "human". In the end, he is deemed human, as he has gained the ability to age and eventually die with the love of his life.
#4  What Dreams May Come
                  What Dreams May Come holds up.... sort of. Williams plays a good man who's had a pretty shitty life. He meets the love of his life, marries her, and has two children. That's when things get bad. His children die in a car accident, and that puts a strain on his marriage. They do, however, struggle through. On the anniversary of the day they don't divorce, he dies in a car accident. After he tries to communicate with his wife and turns out making things worse for her, he accepts his death and goes to heaven. once there, he learns that his wife committed suicide and is now in hell. He risks it all to save her and bring her to his own personal heaven. As the movie fades from him and his family, you should stop watching. The last scene of the movie really ruins it. That's why it only sort of holds up.
#3  Good Will Hunting
                      Holds up. In Good Will Hunting, Williams is a therapist who is tasked with helping a genius who works as a janitor at MIT. After a few unresponsive meetings, Williams breaks through Matt Damon's defense mechanisms and begins to bond with him. Damon also forced Williams to reevaluate his own life.
#2  Jumanji
                       I really hope Jumanji holds up. In Jumanji, Williams is a man who was trapped in a magical board game as a child and spent his life growing up in the jungle. Being brought back through the same board game, Williams helps two young orphans and the girl he originally played with beat the game. The idea of a jungle man hanging out with two little kids does sound kind of rapie though.
#1  Hook
                      Totally holds up!  "You can't fight, you can't fly, and you can't crow!" I may be 20, but this is still one of my favorite movies. Williams is a lawyer who takes his family to England to see his wife's grandmother, Wendy. While out at night, Peter Banning's kids are taken in a whirl or green smoke. After a night of drinking for the loss of his children, Peter meets an angry fairy named Tinkerbell. Tink knocks Peter out and he wakes up on a Pirate ship. Still in his tux, Peter dons a disguise and sees what all the commotion is about. After spotting his kids in a trap, it is revealed to him that he is Peter Pan. Having no memory of being Peter Pan, Peter cannot fly and he cannot fight for their freedom. He then seeks the help of the lost boys, who remind him who he is. With their help, he learns how to be a kid again and saves his children for the evil Capt. Hook. This is a great movie that everyone should see.

                      There we go, my list of the top ten Robin Williams movies. Lately, everything he has done is either complete crap or really scary ( I don't like him as a bad guy it's just wrong.). I know there are probably a lot of people mad at me for putting Flubber up there and not Mrs. Doubtfire or Patch Addams, but I just don't like either of them ( James Bond should never be a bad guy.). Oh, and Bicentennial Man is downloading right now, so I should know if it holds up later. Feel free to comment and tell me I have no taste in movies. Have a great night/day everyone.
Skyrim Survival Tip #4: Always use the buddy system. If you're dungeon diving and can't carry anymore, it helps to be able to dump all your dragon bones on someone else.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Spoilers Insue

                    Hey, everybody. I did it. I finally sat down and watched Dead Poets Society. While I liked the movie, I'm not a fan of the ending. Of all the characters, Perry (Wilson for House) is the one I liked the most. They had so many options to keep the ending, but kill off a different student. Ethan Hawke, the quiet student standing in the shadow of his older brother, could have offed himself when pressured to be as good as his brother. Or Josh Charles, heart broken by the rejection of the beautiful Alexandra Powers, could have taken his own life.
                   The point I'm trying to make is that Wilson didn't have to kill himself. It could have been so many other people, and the movie would have still ended with the iconic "Oh Captain, my captain" scene. They could have still pinned the death on Robin Williams, and the boys would have still signed the paper. I guess there's a chance I would feel differently, had I not seen House before this movie, but I can never know. Watching house made me a fan of this actor and made me automatically like his characters more than others.
                   All around, I would say Dead Poets Society is one of Robin Williams' better movies. Robin Williams plays the English teacher we all wish we had, but doesn't really exist. He brings a certain warmth and passion to the role as he strives to encourage individualism amongst his students. "Surprisingly", his methods are met with discouragement from his fellow teachers ( the ultra conservative/ traditional crust old white guys).
                   There is one thing that puzzles me. What was the point of the group? There was only one night of attempting to seduce women, all the others were, as said by Josh Charles, " A bunch of guys sitting around reading poetry". I guess it could have just been about the thrill of escaping the confines of their school, but why a small Indian cave? It could just be my dislike of the dirtiness that is nature, but I would not want to hang out in a cave each night and read poetry. My lack of creativity may also be aiding in me not understanding the love of poetry.
                    It seems I need to adjust my list of the top ten Robin Williams movies before I post it. However, that is a mission for another time. After only sleeping 3 hours, I am seeing a nap in my very near future. As always, I  hope everyone has a great day. And feel free to leave a comment ( The comment box has been fixed).
Skyrim Survival Tip #3: While your voice may be able to knock a dragon out of the sky, you still need a lock pick to unlock a wooden door. So stock up on picks.

And you think Red was hard on Erik!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Leaves in the River

              I'm sorry, everyone. I have failed you all. I watched the first scene of Dead Poets Society and was distracted with Nazi zombies. As the opening credits were rolling, a few friends of mine asked me to play Black Ops, so I jumped on it. However, I did promise you all a great list. Instead of my favorite ten Robin Williams movies, I bring you the ten best Bruce Willis movies! ( Lets see if I can keep a train of thought going after just taking some sleeping pills.)

#10  The Whole 9 Yards
                 Mathew Perry plays a Canadian dentist who, in the midst of a divorce, is pushed into turning in his neighbor (Jimmy the Tulip) over to a mafia boss. Jimmy is a wanted man and just wants to start over in the suburbs. Plus you get to see Amanda Pete nude. That is probably the reason this movie makes the list.
#9  The Siege
                   After the abduction of an Islamic leader, New York is the set as the target for various acts of terrorism. As the FBI and CIA team up to take down the terrorist cells, the U.S. government places New York under Martial Law. And who is the general in charge? Bruce Fucking Willis.
#8  Bandits
                      Bandits, starring Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thorton, and the beautiful Kate Blanchett, is the story of two non-violent bank robbers. As they start to become noticed by the public, the most typical thing happens. The same thing that broke up The Beatles happens here. Kate Blanchett has to come in to their lives and screw everything up. ( At least she's hotter than Yoko Ono)
#7  Armageddon
                 Great movie. Bruce Willis ( an oil driller) is asked to assemble a team to drill a bomb into the center of an asteroid heading towards earth (because scientists can't do that.). Oh, and Billy Bob Thorton is the head of NASA. #6  Unbreakable
                 Unbreakable was a pretty rad movie. Samuel L. Jackson suffers from a rare bone disease where his bones break really easily. As a child reading comic books, he ponders on the thought of someone who is the opposite of him. Someone indestructible. After causing several ridiculous accidents where Bruce Willis is the only survivor, it's determined that Bruce Willis is just the super hero he was looking for. After discovering his power, saving a captive family, and fixing his marital issues, Willis discovers that Jackson is, in fact, an arch villain. The cops are then called and Jackson is put away for life.
#5  Sin City
                     In one of the four separate crime stories in Sin City, Bruce Willis plays the only good cop in his precinct and is dead set on stopping a child rapist. The rapists father has been bribing the police to cover up the crimes, but Willis is better than that. He shoots the rapists ear and junk off and passes out due to blood loss. When he awakes, he learns that he has been framed for all the crimes and all he has to do is confess and he will be out on parole. Willis is better than that though, and remains in jail, receiving letters from the little girl he saved. One day, instead of a letter, he received a finger. Willis then confesses, is let out on parole, finds the girl ( now a stripper) and kills the rapist who sent the finger. After the bloody battle, Willis kills himself to be sure that the girl can live her life i safety.
#4  12 Monkeys
                  12 Monkeys is a sweet movie involving a lot of time traveling. The end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end. And Brad Pitt is in a crazy home. It's pretty damn good. ( side note: it's getting sooooo hard to focus right now)
#3  Hudson Hawk
                 Dude! I love this movie. With a skateboard and the lyrics to every Bing Crosby song, Bruce Willis is able to steal from just about any museum. His greatest job though? Stealing the dreams of the two bad guys who kidnap him and force him to steal the keys to a gold machine. *spoilers* He does get his coffee at the end.
#2  The Fifth Element
                 I just can't get enough of this movie. I'm already a fan of most things sci-fi. Milla Jovovich just makes everything better. Seriously, the resident evil movies would be horrible if they had anyone other than Jovovich playing Alice. Shes the reason I keep watching them. And public indecency laws are the reason I wear pants when I watch them. I don't want to end up like PeeWee.
#1  Die Hard
                Bruce Willis is a New York City cop/ Badass. Allan Rickman is a dick. Germans are evil. I'm going to bed.

             I hope you guys liked the list. I know, there should have been more Die Hard on there, but this was just a top ten. There isn't enough room for all that awesome. Well since I'm starting to dream right now, and I'm not even in bed yet, I should get going. Have a great night/day, everyone.
Skyrim Survival Tip #2: Almost dead? Just sleep for an hour. You'll be alright.

Under Glass

                Hey, everybody. So, it would seem I have a very addictive personality. Since starting up Skyrim again the other day, I can't seem to put it down. I just can't stop questing and dungeon diving. I decided to make a new character and go through the game on the hardest difficulty. I pretty much have to sneak the entire time, because I die from any and all hits ( A crab killed me in the first hour of the game). There is one good thing coming out off all of this Skyrim-ing. I call it the video game diet. The video game diet is where, any time I would be eating, I play a video game instead. Trust me, it works (that's how I lost all that weight in high school).
                Aside from playing Skyrim, I may have found a way to lead into my dream job ( doing professional video game reviews and walkthroughs). I was telling a buddy of mine how Google just accepted my request to put ads up on my blog ( I get paid per click). From there, he kept telling me that I should start a YouTube channel and get ads up on there, make some money per view. That's when it hit us, we are both hilarious and play video games. So I've been looking into how to record video and audio from my xbox and what editing software we should use. It was starting to seem like we would need to be in the same room, be mic'ed up, and have our xboxes linked together. It was starting to sound like we would need a lot of money that I don't have yet. After a few hours of trying to think it through last night, I found a solution. All I have to do is adjust some of the settings on my console, use my turtle beach headphones, and buy the converter I found on amazon.
                Since I really want this to be successful, I'm not going to settle for one of the cheap $20 recording unit on amazon. I found a great hi-def recorder for about $200. With this new job starting next week ( Hopefully I start then.), it shouldn't take long to get the money to pay my sister back for the trip we took to Portland, then buy that recorder. I am so excited about this. If we do this right and get it out there, we would have the potential to get sponsors or even get picked up by a big company. If anyone has any advice they want to throw my way, I would really appreciate it.
               So, that's what I've been up to the past few days. I know, I was supposed to watch Dead Poets Society and do my Robin Williams list, but Skyrim is just too damn addicting. I swear, I'm really going to try to watch it tomorrow and get that updated list on here if it beats any of the other titles. It's getting pretty late ( or early, depending on how you look at it), so I should get some sleep. I hope everyone has a great night/day, and feel free to leave a comment ( I fixed the issue with needing a user name).
Skyrim Survival Tip #1 : When adventuring, don't take an arrow in the knee.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ballad of Serenity

               Hey, everyone. Addison here with another super awesome playlist! Today I was going to do a "top ten Robin Williams movies" list, but I was told I'm not allowed to until I watch Dead Poets Society. Having Flubber on the list and not that one is apparently a big no no. So, in its place, I bring you my top ten guilty pleasures. These are songs that ( As a heterosexual man) I should not be jamming out to. I not only jam out to these songs, I rub a little funk on it. I do my awkward white guy dance and sometimes I sing along to them. It's pretty embarrassing, but what isn't these days? And, just to mix things up a little,  lets play a game. By the end of the list, I want everyone to guess how I ranked each song. Allons-y!

#10  Marky Mark and the Funky - Wildside
While it may be cool to make fun of Marky Mark, it is not cool to listen to Marky Mark. Just about every time I see him in a movie, this song comes to mind an I start to hum it... Then the head bobbing starts. Then I'm on a full blown walk...... On the wild side ( I'm sorry, I had to).
#9    Nero - Promises
             Promises makes the list simply because I feel like a douche whenever I listen to it. It's a good song, but that stigma dubstep has really ruins it. It's a shame really.

#8    Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts

                I love Christina Perri. It doesn't matter where I am or who is making fun of me for it, I sing this song whenever it comes on. I even got distracted and sang it aloud to a table I was waiting on. They didn't mind it though. (They were cougars and my work pants were very tight in one area.)

#7    Ellie Goulding - Guns and Horses
                 Ellie Goulding has a very strange voice. I'm not sure if I like it, but I know I don't dislike it. Her songs are just really catchy ( especially the acoustic version of Starry Eyed).
#6    La Roux - Bulletproof
                I'm just going to remind a certain someone who is probably going to make fun of me later, you love Erasure and I will retaliate publicly.
#5    Indigo Girls - Closer to Fine

                I should remind everyone that, while I do love women, I am not a lesbian. I have chest hair and a penis. That is all.

#4    Marian Call - Vanilla
                 Marian Call is cute, nerdy, and Alaskan. Why wouldn't I listen to her music?
#3    Peaches - Hot Rod
                 Theres really only one type of person that should listen to Peaches, women who really hate men and try to be vile and grody as hell in order to gain dominance through intrigue. Seeing as how I'm not a man hater, I don't know why I listen to peaches. Hell, it took me about ten minutes to find a song that doesn't involve anal sex.
#2    Ke$ha - We R Who We R
                I don't even have a defence for this one. I really like Ke$ha and I cant help it. Hell, as a welcome home present, my sister got me this cd.... I played the shit out of it....
#1    Britney Spears - Till the World Ends
                I can blame this one on a certain ginger who constantly plays this song. Any time theres a bar with a jukebox, she runs over to it and pays for this song to play 10 times throughout the night. I didn't even know it was Britney Spears until tonight. Totally blaming the ginger for this one.

               There we have it. I just gave the  world all the ammo it needs to mock me for at least another day ( My phone is ready for the insulting text that will ensue). I'm probably going to regret this one, but I didn't watch Dead Poets Society today, so I probably deserve it. I'll try to watch it tomorrow, but I can't promise anything. As always, I hope you all have a great night/day and I will get back to you all tomorrow.
Vampire Safety Tip #3 : The heart is a really tiny target. Instead of trying to spear a vampire through the heart, just go all Highlander on it. If you cut the head off of anything, it dies (Well, maybe not the monster from Hercules.).

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pursuit of Happiness

                 Hey, everyone. Sorry about not posting anything yesterday, I was balls deep in some Skyrim expansion (hahaha dong guard). But that extra day did give me some time to actually have something to write about. As you know, Star Wars Celebration 6 is coming up. My sister sent me a post about the "Sci-fi speed-dating". I kid you not, their tag line is " looking for love in Alderaan places?" While this does sound hilarious, there's one problem. This is a Star Wars convention. I really don't want to know what kind of girl is geeky enough to go to a Star Wars convention (Filled to the brim with dudes in jedi robes) and has a hard time getting guys to like them. They must have noticeable crazy eyes. No, I don't mean they have a lazy eye ( That would be really shallow to avoid a girl because of that). I'm talking about that creepy ass " I have my ex-boyfriends skull in my living room" stare. So, I'm going to have to pass up the idea of Sci-fi speed-dating (I'd rather keep me skin where it is, not hanging in someones closet.)
                 After declining to do jedi speed dating, it hit me. I like being alone. People always talk about how they hate doing things by themselves because they feel awkward and loner-ish. I love it. One of my favorite things to do by myself is go to the movies. Everyone is so weirded out by the idea of going to the movies by themselves that they just wont go if they cant find someone to accompany them. For those of you that hate going solo, I present you with this list. The Top 5 reasons to go to the movies solo.

#1 Efficiency
                 I don't know about everyone else, but I love to walk around with my head phones on and some music going. I do this everywhere. So, when I go to the movies, I have my music going. I walk up to the electronic ticket machine, buy my ticket, give my ticket to the guy at the door and keep on walking to the snack bar. No talking to people, no awkward attempts at jokes to make the proses more enjoyable, and hearing other peoples conversations ( I've heard some dumb ass conversations.) You cant do that if you're by yourself. You have to ask "Are you sure you want to see this movie at this time?", " Do you want to get snacks now?", or " do you have to go to the bathroom?" (fyi: I hate when they go to the bathroom and expect you to wait for them in the hallway.)

#2 Snacks
                This is one of the biggest things that erks me. You can be on a date, with family, or just with a mooch ass friend, this always happens. You go through the snack bar, order a large drink and a large popcorn, they order a small box of candy. At this point you're thinking to yourself " they are going to be pretty damn hungry and thirsty during this 3 hour movie.". That is so not whats going through their heads. To them, you buying a large drink and a large popcorn means you went large out of generosity to others.
                 Lets jump forward a bit. You're sitting down, the movie hasn't even started yet, and the person you're with already downed their $5 fun-sized skittles. Naturally you're watching their hand like a hawk. You know whats coming, you tried to fool yourself into thinking that they wont, but they will. As the movie starts, so does that hand. As someone destined for a life of solitude, my first reaction is to smack that damn hand away from my popcorn ( Tip: Don't do this on a date. Trust me, that was a very quiet night from then on.). Others might just bend over and take it, but that just opens you up to losing your drink too. Stand strong, if you don't defend your snacks, no one will.

#3 The Perfect Seat
                The debate over the perfect movie theater is a tale as old as time. You have your snacks and enter the theater and it begins. As someone with horrible vision, my favorite seat is the front of the main section. most theaters today set the seats in two groups, the front section and the main section. The front section is that group of seat so close to the screen that you have to almost lay down in the seat to get the whole viewing experience ( that will cause your butt to go numb in about an hour). I like the seats right behind them. The seats that are in the first walkway, with the spaces between them for wheelchairs and the bars in front. For some unknown reason, everyone I've ever gone to the movies with cant stand to be "So Close to the Screen!". Since when is that considered close?
                However, lack of back bone takes over at this point and you generally give up and sit where ever the other person wants. Sitting there, you realize this is going to suck. The commercials are so blurry, you start to think you're seeing a 3-D movie. Drawing back from that horrible date, I suggest not saying "screw this", getting up and walking to a closer seat, and sitting there for the rest or the movie (I'm not usually like this, I was trying to get her to break up with me). If you stuck with that far back seats, you companion will usually rub their victory in your face with a quick line like " See? That's why those seats are the best. You get to see everything. Sucks "we" ran out of popcorn so fast.".

#4  The Arm Rest
               Whoever designed the modern movie theater seat or air plane seat is an ass hole. How is a grown ass man expected to share an armrest with someone else? This makes no sense at all. Instead of leaning back in your seat,enjoying the film, you are engaged in a power struggle. The fight to determine an alpha male. While it would be nice if all the seats had two arm rests each, I guess it's more cost effective to piss people off. However, this is so not a problem if you go to the movies alone. You can enjoy the movie with both arm rests, in your favorite seat, and have your popcorn and drink all to yourself  with no risk of an aneurysm caused by the audacity of others.

#5 Leaving The Theater
                 As the movie comes to an end, its every man for himself. As you get about halfway down the narrow hallway fill with people heading to the bathroom, you hear that annoying companion of yours again. This time they want you to stop in that huge crowd of people so they can get to you sooner than if they just waited to meet up in the lobby ( Those extra few seconds could be the difference between life and death #sarcasm). I urge you not to be that guy. I hate that guy. Stopping in the middle of a crowd causes the crowd to build up and slow down even more, and I really don't like crowds ( Or do I just not like people in general?). Trust me, you can wait until you're outside to talk about your favorite part of the movie, you won't die from anticipation.

                 There you have it, Five reasons it's better to go to the movies alone than with someone else. I realise I may have just come off as a dick, but I promise I'm not. I just prefer to do somethings by myself ( I have better conversation with my self than I do with others). I even like going to restaurants alone. I know it's weird, but it's so much better. As always, I hope you all enjoyed my list and have a great night/day.
 Vampire safety tip #2: Vampires can not enter a home uninvited. So, if you're in your home, just welcome them in. Sarcasm probably counts as an invite.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Gold Lion

               Hey,everyone. I'm going to make this one quick tonight. Good news on the Minecraft front! As of today, I have completed the outlying walls and towers of my fortress. I wasn't quite sure how it was looking and felt that i had wasted my time, until a few buddies joined and saw my work. Turns out I have gotten a lot better at this whole building thing. I'll try to post some new pictures up here tomorrow, so you know I'm not just making this whole thing up.
              With all the mining and crafting I've been addicted to, I've missed one of the biggest things i was looking forward to this month. I had stopped playing Skyrim just before they released the new expansion, Dawngaurd ( when you say it, you sound like you're saying dong guard. hahahah). Now that I've hit a creative block, I decided to put minecraft to rest for a few days and kill some vampires instead. As soon as the Dawnguard expansion loaded up I knew exactly what this was going to be like. I had last saved in my favorite town, and as soon as the game loaded, the town was under attack from vampires. That was as far as I've gotten, but this looks great.
              Seeing as how I modeled my character off of Selene from Underworld, I will be joining the vampire hunters to stop the sun from being blotted out. I wont let something that crazy happen to the world. I may become a vampire and drain the lives of an entire village, but blotting out the sun is just a bit too far. Along with a new story line, this expansion added the use of cross bows, new vampire powers, and bonus powers to being a werewolf. Personally, I'm not a fan of the whole infecting myself with an illness and morphing into a monster. That's just not my jam.
              Any who, I should probably get back to saving the world from a vampire attack ( someone has to do it). Before I go, I just want to let everyone know that I fixed the comment section so you don't have to have a google account to leave anything. I had no idea there was a block on that. And let me just leave you with one bit of advice. If you ever find yourself being chased by a vampire, throw down a handful of toothpicks. Vampires are notoriously OCD and will have to stop chasing you to line up all of the tooth picks. Remember that, it might just save your life.

I hope I get to shoot him with the cross bow. That would make it the best expansion ever!

Beat Your Heart Out

                 Hey, everyone. Addison here, back with another awesome playlist. The last one was all about psyching you up for anything. This time, I'm taking a different rout. I figured I need to share with the world my playlist of the best love songs I know. A little more thought went into the order of this one, so I hope you all enjoy it. Seriously, I spent and hour and a half coming up with the best order. The right amount of rise and and best time to fall, then rise again. This must have been so hard when giving a girl a mix tape was a thing.

#1         Jenny Owen Youngs : Last Person

               This is a great song for trying to get un-friend zoned or get a girl who just keeps choosing the wrong guy. I pretty much says " Hey, there are good guys in the world, you just don't notice me because I'm shy and awkward as hell".
#2         Rick Springfield : Jessie's Girl

                I don't know about everyone else, but I love Rick Springfield ( especially his Christmas CD from a few years back.). Every guy at one point has looked at his friends girlfriend and thought  "Why him? What don't I have? I would treat her so much better". Unlike the rest of the world, Rick wrote a song about it and probably lost a friend. Was it worth it? Probably.

#3         Christina Perry : Arms

                 Arms is a catchy song about not believing that you're good enough for love and believing that all you do is hurt those around you, deny all feelings. But when it comes to love, you can't just pretend its not there. You just want that person you love to fight for it.

#4         Peter Bjorn and John: Young Folks

                Young Folks in about not judging a book by its cover. Just because that last person you dated was into rock and roll and was horrible to you, it doesn't mean that anyone into rock and roll will beat you. That's just silly. If you like someone give them a chance. Whats the worst that could happen?
#5         U2 : All I Want is You
              All I Want is You is a great song that declares that love is the only thing worth having. You can offer up anything in the world, but all that should matter is love. If you want more than that, then you don't know how great love is. Love should be enough.
#6         Dashboard Confessional : Screaming Infidelities

              Ever walk around campus and think to yourself, " Why does that D-Bag with the acoustic guitar on the quad have so many girls following him?" This guy, right here, is to blame. Chris Carrabba ( lead singer) made girls think its hot when a guy plays acoustic and talks about feelings. I for one would like to thank him for introducing the "sensitive guy routine" and would like hi to next make the tuba cool. I'd pick it back up, but it doesn't really scream sex appeal.
#7         Danielle Ate the Sandwich : We are Hot Dogs

               Whats better than a cute, goofy girl with a webcam and guitar? I have been an avid listener of Danielle Ate the Sandwich for about 5 years now and i have to say, she does the song Rich Girl better than Hall and Oats. I love me some Hall and Oats as much as the next guy, but the ukulele just kinda does it for me.
#8         Ingrid Michaelson : You and I

             I may have my guy card revoked for this one, but You and I is a really great song by the ever talented Ingrid Michaelson. Its a song about just barely getting by financially, but it doesn't matter if you're with the one you love. Hell, everythings better if you're with the one you love (especially the ukulele).
#9      Ellie Goulding : Elton John's "Your Song"

               I know I'm going to catch a lot of flack about me preferring Ellie Goulding's cover, but I do. Elton John's voice just isn't my jam. And the mixture of stings, chorus, and piano in this cover is perfect. Good job ,Ellie.
#10      Golden Earring : Radar Love

               Radar Love, easily the best song on 1973 ( I"m looking at you, Carly Simon), is about driving late at night and having such a strong connection with the one you love that you can feel them calling out to you from the other end of the highway. I'm usually not a fan of the Dutch, but they did good with Radar Love.
#11      The Darkness : I Believe in a Thing Called Love
                 What is this? I don't even know what I just watched, but I think I liked it. It's like Land of the Lost but with a giant space crab.
#12      Better Than Ezra : Sincerely, Me

                     Sincerely, Me is a letter to the one that got away. Things were great, you said nothing would come between you, but something did. This song is pretty much an "I'm sorry", "I miss you", "please come back" letter. A great way to end a playlist, with and apology.


                  There you have it, my ultimate love song playlist. Please, if anyone remembers the time of making mix tapes for people, I would really like to know how I did. This was a lot harder than I thought. If anyone else would like to compliment me on my musical taste, thank you in advance, and you can drop me a line on facebook or leave a comment below. Before I leave I just want to say, People of the mixtape era, I salute you.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm Not Calling You A Liar

                      Hey, guys. Today I set out to create a list of the top ten movies of my childhood. I couldn't do it, so here's the top twenty five movies of my childhood ( up to the age of 12). Seeing as how all of these movies are equally important to me, there is no way I can rank them. So I'm just going to have to list them chronologically. And before you start judging my mom for her parenting skills or questioning if I have the ability to travel through time, I'm dating them by when they came out (No idea when I actually saw them). So here we go. After realising how long this list is, I'm not going to write a description about each movie or tell you why it's so awesome. Instead, I'm just going to tell you the first thing I think of and remember about each movie without looking anything up.

(1971) Bedknobs and Broomsticks

             Great movie. Makes me wish I knew a witch with a magical bed... For going cartoon worlds, you sick minded freaks.
(1977) Star Wars

              By Star Wars, I mean the original and only trilogy. Nothing after Return of the Jedi counts... except maybe Phantom Menace. But come on, who didn't want to be a pod racer when they grew up?
(1981) Time Bandits

              For those who don't know me, I love midgets! This movie probably kick started that love with its gang of midgets that travel through time stealing from the wealthiest people in history. And they even had a dwarf with them. Yes, he had a battle axe.
(1985) Back to the Future

              Back to the Future called it. By this time next year, we will have hover boards, power laces, and flying cars. But most important is the hover boards, damn it.
(1986) Labyrinth

               Oh David Bowie, how great you are. I personally prefer the Goblin King to Ziggy Stardust, as far as characters go. Hell, I would 99 cents for for Dance Magic Dance to be on my Ipod.
(1988) The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

              Terry Gilliam and Robin Williams pretty much took turns sculpting my personality as a child. Munchausen rides a cannon ball to the middle of a battle field and climbs down a rope, reaches the end, and just cuts some off the top to tie to the bottom. A true hero.
(1988) Who Framed Rodger Rabbit

              Since this isn't Cool World, there are no rules against humans and toons getting together, is Jessica Rabbit fare game? P-p-p-pleeeeaaase!
(1989) Little Monsters

              How did this movie not scare the crap out of me. The area under your bed is a portal to the land of monsters and Howie Mandel. And what ever happened to Fred Savage?
(1991) The Hudson Hawk

               Dude, I loved The Hudson Hawk. It has Bruce Willace, Andie MacDowell, Sandra Bernhard, and Danny Aiello. This movie made me really want to be a cat burglar. Seriously, they get everything and all they have to do is remember awesome songs and how long it takes to sing them. I had that down as a kid.
(1991) Hook

             First thing to come to mind: "You can't fight! You can't Fly! And you can't Crow!" 6 yearold me had that crow down. nothing was going to stop me from being a lost boy... Except for the food. I prefer mine to be a little less painty.
(1994) The Pagemaster

             This is the movie that taught every child of the 90's that if you go to a library and read, you are going to have a bad time. You will have to take on Moby Dick, tiny island people, or a giant paint dragon. That was a legit fear.
(1994) The Secret of Roan Inish

              This movie taught me that sea lions are actually hot, magical women who trick men into sleeping with them, have a baby, then disappear into the sea. It also taught me that the Irish are always losing babies at see. Is that really a thing?
(1995) The Indian in the Cupboard

                Overalls? Check. Check. Skate boarding? Check. Magic making plastic toys come to life in an old cupboard? Check. This is the formula for just about any movie in the mid 90's. I never got the whole skate boarding thing.
(1995) Jumanji

              Robin Williams is probably the only man who can grow a beard and pal around with two strange young kids all day without the cops being called. I don't know about all the other people my age, but I played the crap out of the board game when they came out with that.
(1996) Muppet Treasure Island

              Muppets, pirates, and Tim Curry, what could be better? Tim Curry pretty much owned the 90's children movies and for this one I must say thanks. "I've got cabin fever!"
(1997) Flubber

               And more Robin Williams. This man could do know wrong, except miss his wedding..... again. But it wasn't his fault. Weebo was to blame. She was still my favorite character though. It might be the voice.
(1997) Hercules

              Who puts the "glad" in gladiator? I'll give you a hint. All he wants to do is prove himself a hero, but know one will give him a chance. I watched this movie so many times. The tv show was only 'ok' in comparison.
(1997) The Fifth Element

             Oh Milla Jovovich. I'm pretty sure watching this movie for the first time was the exact moment that I hit puberty.
(1998) Small Soldiers

              With names like Nick Nitro, Brick Bazooka, and Chip Hazard you cant go wrong. Whether you were Gorgonite or Commando Elite, you loved Small Soldiers.... Don't lie, you know it.
(1999) Inspector Gadget

              More than the movie, I'm sure everyone remembers the McDonald's toys. I could never get all the toys to finish my inspector. Did anyone ever get them all and live through the heart damage to tell about it?
(1999 - 2000) Galaxy Quest and Frequency

              I should explain why these two are lumped together. When I was little, I spent every Friday night and Saturday morning at my grandmother's house. She had a thing for Alan Rickman and Dennis Quade. So when the comedy Galaxy Quest came out on VHS, she bought it and it stayed on the tv for over a year. Then, when Frequency hit shelves, it was all about the fire fighter. Ive watched these movies on loop so much that I could probably recite these movies line for line. This also explains my weight issue in middle school. " Galaxy Quest is on? I'll go grab some crackers and potted meat!"
(2000) Dude Wheres My Car?

               Dude, nine yearold me loved this movie! Dude Wheres My Car is even the movie that got me saying dude. Where the hell would I even be with out this movie? Probably in school........
(2000) Harry Potter
              I know Owen and Rico are probably laughing their balls off right now, but yes. I watched Harry Potter a lot. I was a chunky, nerdy kid with no friends, I loved fantasy movies. When I read the books, It felt like every word was saying " I'll be your friend, Addison. You can trust me!"
(2001) Evolution

              Just watched this movie again last week. It holds up. Without a doubt, I can say that this is one of my top 3 favorite movies. " I'm going in." "I'll get the lubricant." " Theres no time for lubricant" " THERE IS ALWAYS TIME FOR LUBRICANT!!" Best scene of any movie.
(2001) Cats & Dogs
              I slightly remember this movie because of the bombs scene. They were having a dog cut the grey wire. They were all grey. Hahaha Oh color blind jokes. It's ok for me to laugh at them. The virtual boy made me red green color blind. (Damn you Nintendo.)

              There you have it. the 25 movies of my childhood that shaped the weirdo you know and love. I'm sure there are some more that are hidden away in a chunk of my memory waiting for a very skilled therapist to unlock. For those of you sitting there thinking " Theres no way he was watching those movies, he was born in 1992!" I want you to know one thing. My family was poor enough that we didn't go to the movies, and my parent were pretty young. Top that off with my brother being 5 years older and my sister 4, and you have a little kid watching Good Will Hunting until he can repeat the line " Well why did you choose the shovel handle?" "Because fuck you!".  I think I turned out pretty awesome, so if you want your offspring to be as hilarious as I am (well almost as funny) then you need to sit them down with these great movies. You know you want little Addison's running around.
             As always, I hope you all liked my list. If you have any movies that influenced you, I want to hear it. And if anyone has any suggestions for next time, just let me know  (I am always looking for new ideas). I hope you enjoyed your time In.... The Twilight Zone.

No Cars Go

                  Hey guys, I just wanted to start by saying a quick "screw you" to Minecraft 360. I was stupid the other day and turned off the auto-save feature because it was annoying me. Just now, after working on my massive fortress for for the past 4 hours, my xbox froze. I just lost the past 4 hours of my time and have nothing to show for it. Minecraft, I hate you. On a the brighter side of things.... As of last night, I have reached 300 page views! Thank you, everyone (including the Russians). My "get psyched" playlist from last night somehow earned me the most page views I've had, so I'm glad you all enjoyed it ( I know I've been jamming to it all day). Woot!
                  As of yesterday, I have given up all hope of fixing my external hard drive. While online looking for a new one, I found the coolest things. You can buy steampunk computers and accessories. So, I began my hunt for a rad steampunky hard drive. The good news: I found a few and they were awesome. Some had working gears and cogs that moved when powered up. The Bad news: Oh my god! Steampunk stuff is so expensive! It may be awesome, but how is an 8 gb flash drive ever $70? That's just ridiculous. Then it hit me, I could make money at this. "Put a bird on it" is too mainstream, "Put a gear on it!" will be the next thing. Have a boring regular lamp? Put a gear on it! Now it's worth double the amount you paid! Years later, when this is a thing, I want everyone to know that on July 14th, 2012, Addison S. Richard "made it a thing".
                Update time, everyone. Comic-Con this year premiered the video I have been waiting for since March. They finally released the Walking Dead season 3 preview! If you havent been watching the show, you need to start right now ( first season is on Netflix). The Walking Dead is a great show with some amazing character ( except for Carl.... I wish he hadn't made it to the farm). As you may have guessed, it is about the zombie apocalypse. The show follows police officer Rick Grimes as he finds his family during the apocalypse and leads them and the rest of the group to safety. One of the best things they do in this show is show the change in personalities as the realisation that all is lost hits each of the group members. I don't want to give anything away, so just do yourself a favor and watch this amazing show. The Walking Dead returns this fall, Sunday, October 14th at 9 p.m. on amc.
                 As always, I hope you all have a great day. Do something fun, it's Saturday. I'll be back tomorrow with an all new list for you guys. The top ten best movies of my childhood. Good night, and good luck.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The World At Large

              Hey everyone, sorry I missed last night. I had to get to bed early and didn't have time to type. Good news though, I think I have a job! I interviewed today at the Hilton Melbourne Rialto Place (Huge hotel by the Melbourne airport). I think it went well and I cant wait to hear back. I was so nervous before hand though. I have this thing I do all the time where I practice conversations in my head. I think of what someone will say or any questions they might ask and i think of a response. From that response, I try to think of every possible outcome and have responses to each one. The thing that had me so nervous was that this was really my first actual job interview and had no idea what kind of questions to expect. And even though I had met the lady in HR, I didnt have a read on her personality. I had no idea how the conversation would go, so my stomache was in knotts. One thing did calm me though. I had my Ipod the hour before and had a playlist to get me pumped.
               I recently re-watched the new years episode of How I Met Your Mother, so I created my own "Get Psyched" playlist. Like Barney's, my playlist is all rise and no fall. The 12 songs in this playlist are the fast paced, adrenaline rushing songs that inspire epic movie montages. With no outside influence, I give you Addison's Get Psyched Playlist!

#1   The Strokes: Last Night

 #2  Spinnerette: All Babes Are Wolves

#3  ACDC: Back In Black

#4  Bon Jovi: It's My Life

#5  Survivor: Eye of The Tiger

#6  Modest Mouse: Dashboard

#7 The Arkhams: Insane

#8  Joan Jett: Bad Reputation

#9  Twisted Sister: I Wanna Rock

#10  Bon Jovi: You Give Love A Bad Name

#11  Europe: The Final Countdown

#12  Murray Gold: I am The Doctor

            Alright guys, and there you have it. My get psyched playlist that can get me though any and all nervous breakdowns. Seeing as how this was really fun to put together and did not take me 5 hours to make ( I'm looking at you Marvel superhero list) I'm probably going to be doing these once a week. I dont know what playlist I'll do next, but if you have one that you would like me to come up with, I would be more that happy to think it up. As always, I'd love to get some feedback, maybe hear suggestions or someone elses get psyched songs. If you have any ideas on a new post, just follow one of the links to the right and hit me up on Facebook or you can always leave a comment down below.
                           Tonight's very small exercise in logic, from the Twilight Zone.