

Saturday, July 7, 2012

City Of Angels

            Hey Everyone, I hope you all had as awesome a day as I did. I went to the SPCA thrift store in Merritt Island and found the kewlest herringbone jacket ever. Any guesses at a price? It was only 3 dollars and I cant see anything wrong with it. Aside from the jacket, i also got to see the ever amazing Mary Hall. I worked banquets with Mary at the Holiday Inn in Titusville ( We were like the A-Team in banquets. I was the wild card)  and I didn't get the chance to work with her after I gave my 2 weeks notice, so it was great to see her again. She not only trained me, but she was the only person to root for me even when I declared that I " Want to make some bad decisions". It was great to see her again.
            After that, my mom decided that, instead of going home, she wanted to stop by the beach and say hello to a friend of hers. I did not foresee us going to the beach when I left the house. I was wearing a dark plaid long sleeve button down, jeans, and my Dr. Martens. I stuck out like a sore thumb. And of course just standing on that scorching hot chunk of sand wasn't enough, we had to walk down the water and stand there talking for an hour. For anyone who knows how pale I am, you can probably guess what I found out by the time I got to the car. Sun burn... all up on my face. But hey, at least it wasn't that bad of a burn.
            Once home, (since I haven't gotten a call back for a job yet) I began work on a grand castle in Minecraft. And by "grand", I mean its going to be so big and detailed that its going to have its own name. If anyone doesn't know what Minecraft is and thinks I have gone off the deep end, google it right now and check out the images or videos. Everything you are seeing was built in game by someone using different colored cubes... and maybe some lava. It's a great game and I bought it for the 360, so it has some catching up to do to reach the level the PC version is at. Once (insert name here) is looking more like a building, I will do my best to upload a picture or two.
             That's it for me fore the night guys. As always, have a great night and don't forget to tip your waitresses. Addison out.
I'm thinking it will look like this but with more gold.... and a bat signal in the sky....

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